
Rise To The Sun


Q2 2024

  • Concept Development

  • Initial marketing and community building

  • Launch of the game demo for community testing

  • Token Presale (Stage 1)

Q3 2024

  • Token Presale (Final Stage)

  • Expand marketing efforts to increase community engagement

  • Integration of Solar Defender Game

  • Listing on Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs)

  • Strategic Partnerships

Q4 2024

  • Full game release with staking and reward mechanisms

  • Further Exchange Listings (CEXs)

  • Ongoing Marketing and Community Engagement

  • Long-term partnerships and collaborations to promote sustainability

Q1 2025

  • Continuous updates and improvements to the Solar Defender game

  • Further Exchange Listings

  • Continued Community and Ecosystem Growth

Last updated